Ultrascan KPO

Knowledge itself is power


'Knowledge itself is power' is the world famous aphorism by Sir Francis Bacon. Nowadays, in our information society, this aphorism is often translated in 'Information is power'.

In Ultrascan's vision information is build upon knowledge, and power is build upon information.

In our view knowledge is more about the objective facts, which translates in information, which also includes the more subjective facts (e.g., your own feelings).

Gathering knowledge should be the basis of every company process and decision. But gathering knowledge can be a daunting task in our international world. Not every company has the resources to do so.

There may also be other valid reasons for companies to not undertake the knowledge gathering by themselves: company A would not like company B to know it is researching company B regarding a possible takeover.

Or a bank does not have the resources and skills to research and disrupt the Corporate Identity fraud it fell victim too.

In such situations and of course many others, it is worth considering Ultrascan KPO .

There are several advantages to using KPO firms. By outsourcing non-core business activities, organizations will definitely save a great deal of money and time. There is no time and there are no resources lost to acquire to necessary skills. Businesses can also gain more operational efficiencies because they can focus on the key growth areas of their industries instead of spending time and manpower on basic research and development.

KPO could be considered a high-end activity of the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry. There are several differences between the two, however. Where KPO is about intellectual and analytical processes completed by educated and trained employees, BPO is about standardized routine processes done by workers with minimal skills.

To find out more about how we can help your organisation, contact us.